About this website
This website exists as a place to put together anything I find of interest in one place. The acts of randomness are generally how I have lived my life so far. I find so many things interesting that I tend to flit butterfly-like between things; some stick, occasionally.
I have a number of overriding interests outside of my occasionally interesting (to me) working life. These will probably be the things that occupy these pages.
- Reading
- Birds (and other creatures, but mainly birds)
- Gardening
- Photography
- Baking
I'm also making a last attempt to learn Latin because I adore old manuscripts (although I haven't been to the British Library for far too long). I enjoy researching my family tree, writing at least one haiku a day, doing random doodlings and drawings (a new habit), and playing with textiles (with no real direction in mind). I also take a tai chi class once a week and do at least 15 minutes of yoga a day.